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RWT Library & Knowledge Services: Find Information on...

Guide for Library and Knowledge Services

Finding Information

The Library and Knowledge Service provides access to a huge collection of resources that can assist and answer critical questions and improve your knowledge. This includes;

  • access to key textbooks and exam revision books including the Oxford Handbook Series
  • access to a growing collection of e-books that can be accessed from anywhere and on a mobile device 
  • access to e-journals. The NHS provides access to a large collection of important health and medical journal titles
  • access to 7 important bibliograhic databases including Medline, Cinahl, Embase and British Nursing Index to enable detailed searching of the evidence base.
  • Access to point of care tools to support quick decision making including;
    • UpToDate
    • BMJ Best Practice

click on the drop down links to access the collections

Contact Us

Library & Knowledge Services

Building 11, Wolverhampton Medical Institute

New Cross Hospital

Wolverhampton Road


West Midlands

WV10 0QP

Tel: 01902 695322. Internal at RWT  - 85322


RWT Library & Knowledge Services Building 11, Wolverhampton Medical Institute, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton. WV10 0QP Tel: 01902 695322 E-Mail: Twitter: @rwtlibrary