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RWT Library & Knowledge Services: Publications Repository

Guide for Library and Knowledge Services

The RWT Staff Publications Repository

There is now a live site for the repository, which will have a soft launch in  September with a formal launch on 9th November  2020 as part of the Celebration of Research and Innovation Event.

Initially, the repository will index the current year’s publications (2020 onwards) and work on back years retrospectively.

You can browse items by year of publication, title, author, subject or community/collection, or use the search function to find specific topics/keywords. There is also an option to create RSS feeds on particular topics.

In addition, you will be able to see how many times an item has been viewed and the number of downloads made along with the most viewed and most downloaded item.

The repository can be assessed from

Online Repository Submission Form

You may submit an item to the repository by clicking here.

Before you submit your publication, you will asked to agree to the Deposit Licence.  This is the legal bit that covers copyright.  Without this we will not be able to include the item in the repository.

Other NHS Repositories

Cate Newell at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust as put together a list of NHS repositories or publications database. This list is regularly updated.

Local Repositories

Aston Research Explorer - the Aston University Repository. 

BCU Open Access Repository -  the City of Birmingham University Repository.

UBIRA - the University of Birmigham Research Archive.

WIRE - (Wolverhampton Intellectual Repository and e-Theses) the University of Wolverhampton Repository.

STORE - (Staffordshire Online Repository) - Staffordshire University Repository.

Keele Research Repository - Keele University Repository.

What is Included in the Repository?

The repository contains the records of published and unpublished research authored by NHS staff working for the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and its partners including:

  • journal articles
  • books or book chapters
  • conference abstracts
  • images
  • critically appraised topics
  • posters
  • …… and much more

Full-text versions of articles can be deposited and freely available within publisher’s permissions.

If the publishers do not permit free access, links will be provided to the publisher’s page. You will need a current Athens account to access these resources. If you need to apply for an Athens account  go to There is also a link on the Trust’s intranet home page under Quick Links.


What Are The Benefits Of The Repository?

There are several ways that the repository adds value to the Trust and its staff:

  • All RWT published papers archived in one place.
  • Easily searchable and free to use on the internet.
  • References are complete and checked by experts.
  • Updated monthly with new material.
  • Faster dissemination of research into practice.
  • Tools for researchers and research managers.
  • Links to the RWT Library and Information Service and Discovery too - KnowledgeHub, so that searching health databases, will also have exposure to published papers held in the repository.
  • Trust wide service, delivering savings.
  • Route to Green Open Access publishing.
  • Making the work of RWT available to a worldwide audience.
  • Marketing tool to attract additional research funding and new employees with specific research interests.
  • Stores “grey” literature such as poster presentations.
  • Provides a standardised formation for institutional records.
  • Content will be indexed by Google, Google Scholar and other leading search engines, maximum exposure.
  • The CQC will be including evidence of research activity as part of the inspection and monitoring process, the repository will clearly demonstrate the publications output supporting research within the Trust.



How You Can Get Involved

Have you recently:

  • Published a research paper or other type of journal article? ?
  • Presented at a conference?
  • Produced and displayed a poster?
  • Authored a book or book chapter?
  • Been awarded a Doctorate, MPhil, Master’s or Bachelor degree and submitted the Thesis to your University of study?

If so, please forward an e-mail to the RWT Repository Team (see the section below What information do I need to include). Please state your full name, job title, professional group, division, department and the type of publication you are submitting – journal article, book chapter, conference abstract, poster, other.

If you have a list of publications you’d like to submit, please e-mail this to the repository team.   

There will be an online submission form shortly.

For more information about publishing go to our Guide to Publishing page.


What Information Do You Need to Include?

In addition to your personal details, you will need to include the following information.

Journal article – authors, title of article, journal title, publisher, volume, issue, year, pages, date accepted for publication, doi, url and pubmed ID (if available). Also if the item is green or gold open access or unpublished.

A PDF copy of the journal article - The version submitted must be in accordance with the open access policies of the publisher to ensure copyright legislation is not breached. See the section below on How to is the Repository Retained.

Book – authors, title, edition, publisher, place of publication, date of publication and ISBN.

Book chapter – authors of chapter, title of chapter, pages, editors of the, book title, edition, publisher, place of publication, date of publication and ISBN.

Conference paper, abstract or poster – author(s), title of the item, name of the conference, place of conference, date of conference.

Thesis or dissertation – author’s name, title of thesis, award (PhD, MSc etc), Institution, Date.  If possible the ID record from the institutions repository.

Unpublished work – in-house poster, PowerPoint presentation etc. – author’s/authors name(s), title, organisation and date. 

How is the Repository Retained?

The RWT Publications Repository is hosted by Atmire providing a robust solution using DSpace Express software which complies with relevant international standards. DSpace is widely used by research organisations and higher education worldwide.

The SHERPA ROMEO website is used to identify the open access policies of publishers, to ensure that copyright legislation is not breached around the version of a published item.  For more information about SHERPA ROMEO and Open Access see our Guide to Publishing pages.

Who Manages the Repository?

The repository is managed by the Library and Knowledge Services of the Trust and supported by the Non-Medical Research Leads Network Group and the Research and Development Directorate. 

The content is updated monthly and a quarterly report of output published. The quarterly report will be added to this website.

RWT Library & Knowledge Services Building 11, Wolverhampton Medical Institute, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton. WV10 0QP Tel: 01902 695322 E-Mail: Twitter: @rwtlibrary