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RWT Library & Knowledge Services: 'Royal Readers' Book Club

Guide for Library and Knowledge Services

The Royal Readers Book Club


The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust's Bell Library and Knowledge Hub has launched a book club and we are called the Royal Readers. 

We would like to invite anyone who is already an avid reader and those who are just curious about what book worms talk about (you may be surprised!) to join our meetings.

We could all do with the king of escapism that books can offer and we aim for these get togethers to be very relaxed and enjoyable.

The details of our next meeting are as follows:

VENUE: Via MS Teams.

DATE: Wednesday 14th August 2024

TIME: 7pm

July's book choice is The Casual Vacancy by J.K.Rowling; we have again loaned this set of books for you from the Public Library.  Copies are at the Bell Library, Building No.11, you can collect between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

June's book choice is The Sycamore Gap by L.J.Ross; we have loaned this set of books for you from the Public Library.  The copies are at the Bell Library, Building no.11, you can collect between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

If you are interested in joining us please email the Bell Library & Knowledge Hub at and we will send out the MS Teams invitation.

Following on from a fun and successful live "Royal Readers Book Club" on the 5th July to celebrate the NHS 75th Anniversary, the library have purchased a number of books by our invited guests for the day Emma Purshouse, Kuli Kohli and Steve Pottinger.  To access the list click on The Royal Readers Book Club 75th NHS Celebration Books. 

A full list of previous reads are available at RWT Royal Readers Books

We have also created a list of books about the NHS, including history, humour and memoirs,  this can be viewed here







Royal Writers - Don't forget about our sister club!

The Bell Library Team at RWT is setting up a writing group for Trust staff as a sister group to their Royal Readers book club.

The team invites any colleagues to the group, regardless of prior experience, whether you’re a published author or total novice, or whether you prefer creative writing or academic writing.

The group will meet once every other month, starting March 2024, with the goal being for members to share their work with others in a supportive environment to gain constructive feedback, as well as providing suggestions or prompts if anyone is interested in writing but doesn’t know where to start.

If you would be interested in joining the group or have any questions, please email the team at

Recommendations by Royal Readers members

We also recommend great films and television programmes we have watched - have a look at the following list:


Zone of Interest

Poor Things


Boy Swallows World - Netflix

True Detective - Sky


L J Ross talks about Northumberland & J K Rowling talk about the Casual Vacancy.

Book Review of The Familiars by Sally Halls

The Familiars by Sally Halls was loaned to me by a good friend.  She also let me borrow The Foundling which was the second book published by the same author.  

Historical books are not really my 'bag' but I thought I would give it a go as it came highly recommended and I really enjoyed it.  I had obviously heard of the witch trials of years gone by but had never read a book with such a detailed account of how  midwives were used.  The book described one young mothers struggle with carrying her children full-term.  It covered how peerage titles and land were pasted on through inheritance through families and how men often had back-up plans when women failed to produce a living heir.  People who used herbs and natural remedies to treat the unwell were considered to be using witchcraft for which they were tried and hung.  All in all an educational read with interesting characters and a great plot that kept you turning the pages.

I would score this book an 8 out of 10 and give it a thumbs up.

New Fiction Books at the Bell Library

The Promise

Winner of the Booker Prize 2021

Over My Dead Body

The clock is ticking in this roller-coaster ride of a thriller....

In London, the Metropolitan Police set up a new Unsolved Murders Unit - a cold case squad - to catch the criminals nobody else can.

In Geneva, millionaire art collector Miles Faulkner - convicted of forgery and theft - was pronounced dead two months ago. So why is his unscrupulous lawyer still representing a dead client?

On a luxury liner en route to New York, the battle for power at the heart of a wealthy dynasty is about to turn to murder.

And at the heart of all three investigations are Detective Chief Inspector William Warwick, rising star of the Met, and ex-undercover operative Ross Hogan, brought in from the cold.

But can they catch the killers before it’s too late?


Sometimes Marisa gets the fanciful notion that Kate has visited the house before. She makes herself at home without any self-consciousness. She puts her toothbrush right there in the master bathroom, on the shelf next to theirs.

In Jake, Marisa has found everything she’s ever wanted. Then their new lodger, Kate, arrives.

Something about Kate isn’t right. Is it the way she looks at Marisa’s boyfriend? Sits too close on the sofa? Constantly asks about the baby they are trying for? Or is it all just in Marisa’s head?

After all, that’s what her Jake keeps telling her, and she trusts him - doesn’t she?

But Marisa knows something is wrong. That the woman sleeping in their house will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

Marisa just doesn’t know why.

How far will she go to find the answer - and how much is she willing to lose?

Cloud Cuckoo Land


Elise was spending a lot of time crying on buses. She had just graduated from university; had a shiny new flat, her first proper job and a budding relationship - and they were making her miserable. Sitting at work one day, she hit upon the obvious solution. Run 5,000 miles around the coast of Britain, carrying her kit on her back. Six months later Elise set off, with absolutely no ultra-running experience, unable to read a map and having never pitched a tent before. Over the 301 days that followed, she developed a debilitating fear of farmyard animals, cried on a lot of beaches and saw Britain at its most wild and wonderful. With heart and humour, Elise explores the thrill of taking risks and putting your trust in total strangers, and learns some home truths along the way.

Upcoming Dates


2024 dates are here . . . 


August 14th 2024 -      The only important thing about a book is the meaning that is has for you - W. Somerset Maugham


October 9th 2024 -      Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are - Mason Cooley


December 11th 2024 -  Books are a waste of time, said no intelligent person ever - ? Some clever person :-)


Previous Books

These are books previously reviewed by the Royal Readers.


Bestsellers List

Comments, Suggestions & Ideas

We would love to hear from you!       

If you have any ideas or suggestions you would like to put forward about how the club is taking shape please leave your comments in the discussion box.


RWT Library & Knowledge Services Building 11, Wolverhampton Medical Institute, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton. WV10 0QP Tel: 01902 695322 E-Mail: Twitter: @rwtlibrary