Oxford Medical TextBooks and Handbooks available online
Health Education England have announced a 3 year contract to provide access to 136 Oxford Handbooks and Textbooks to NHS England staff. This includes the Oxford Textbook of Medicine, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and many other specialist titles.
You will require an Open Athens account to access the titles.
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Oxford Textbooks - click here
Oxford Handbooks - click here
These are some of the surgery books in stock at the Bell Library at New Cross Hospital. Click here to view a full list of the titles available. You can view the full catalogue of holdings of all BASE libraries here and you can reserve a book to be sent to the library at New Cross Hospital for collection via your BASE Library account.
The Library & Knowledge Service has access to a growing range of e-books. These are available for access via PCs and mobile devices and provide a flexible method of accessing content quickly.
The Library and Knowledge Service supports the CPD of staff by providing access to tools and exam revision books. These are selection of what is available in the library at New Cross Hospital, however there are many other books available for reservation from other BASE Libraries.
Highly Commended, BMA Medical Book Awards 2014 Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery remains one of the world's pre-eminent medical textbooks, beloved by generations of surgeons, with lifetime sales in excess of one million copies. Under the guidance of the eminent editors, the expert team of contributors have revised and updated the material throughout while retaining those features praised in previous editions. The content is sub-divided into parts for ease of reference. Sections devoted to the underlying principles of surgical practice, investigation and diagnosis, and pre-operative care are followed by chapters covering all aspects of surgical trauma. The remainder of the book considers each of the surgical specialties in turn, from elective orthopaedics through skin, head, and neck, breast and endocrine, cardiothoracic and vascular, abdominal and genitourinary to transplantation. Key features: Authoritative ¿ emphasises the importance of effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles while taking account throughout of the latest developments in surgical practice Current ¿ text and illustrations fully revised with brand new chapters on patient safety, day care surgery (outpatient), and bariatric surgery Readable ¿ preserves the clear, direct writing style, uncluttered by technical jargon, that has proved so popular in previous editions User-friendly ¿ numerous photographs, explanatory line diagrams, learning objectives, summary boxes, biographical footnotes and memorable anecdotes support and enhance the textual descriptions This 26th edition retains a wide appeal among all those studying surgery, from undergraduate medical students to those in preparation for their postgraduate surgical examinations. In addition, its high standing and reputation for unambiguous advice continue to make it the first point of reference for many practising surgeons.
Now in its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has been fully updated to reflect current guidelines, with new images and annotated x-rays to support the text.Split into sections based on clinical areas, vital knowledge is distilled into bullets and summary boxes for quick and easy reference. Covering all common complaints likely to arise in everyday duties alongside a dedicated emergencies section, this handbook ensures all trainees from both medical anddental backgrounds, specialist nurses, and medical students gain a solid understanding of oral and maxillofacial surgical presentations, practices, and procedures.
Breast Surgery meets the needs of surgeons in higher training and practising consultants for a contemporary and evidence-based account of this sub-specialty that is relevant to their general surgical practice. It is a practical reference source incorporating the most current information on recent developments, management issues and operative procedures. The text is thoroughly referenced and supported by evidence-based recommendations wherever possible, distinguishing between strong evidence to support a conclusion, and evidence suggesting that a recommendation can be reached on the balance of probabilities. This is a title in the Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series whose eight volumes are an established and highly regarded source of information for the specialist general surgeon. The Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series provides a current and concise summary of the key topics within each major surgical sub-specialty. Each volume highlights evidence-based practice both in the text and within the extensive list of references at the end of every chapter. Purchase of a print book also includes a downloadable version of the eBook. An expanded authorship team across the series includes additional European and World experts with an increased emphasis on global practice. The contents of the series have been extensively revised in line with recently published evidence. A new chapter covers advances in breast reconstruction. The extended chapter on imaging includes the controversies surrounding breast screening. A more detailed discussion of the management of nipple discharge including ductoscopy is included in a new chapter. The dramatic changes on the management of the axilla and the controversial Z0011 trial are covered in a new chapter.
This sixth edition, of nearly 1300 pages, is a comprehensive guide to the complete field of surgery for undergraduate medical students. The book covers surgical procedures for disorders in all systems of the body and includes discussion on surgical anatomy. Each topic has been fully revised and expanded to include the very latest information in the specialty. Recent grading and staging of malignant conditions are discussed in depth and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th Edition has been added to this new edition. The sixth edition is highly illustrated with 3000 clinical photographs and figures and key points for each disorder are highlighted in boxes. The style, formatting and font variations have been updated in this edition to help students understand and prepare for examinations. Key points Comprehensive guide to surgery for undergraduate medical students Fully revised and updated sixth edition with many new topics and inclusion of AJCC 8th Edition Features 3000 photographs and figures across 1300 pages Previous edition (9789351524168) published in 2016